Wednesday 12 September 2018

Why Rich Media Ads Are Trending

rich media ads

Rich media was introduced in 90s by an American multinational information technology company Hewlett Packard that created very little impact at that time. Today Rich media has become one of the most demanded and useful kind of Digital Advertisement. Companies could never achieve satisfying results through display ads. This was where rich media ads stepped in and Spread like fire in the jungle. Brand has deep associations with this Ad format. They always feel comfortable with results and performance of such ads. Rich media ads have proved them best tool for user engagement.

How to describe Rich Media

Rich media ads contain images, videos, call for action (CTA) and many other features to grab user’s attention. In-fact you can perform live streaming of any event with these ads. Rich Media ads are robust, dynamic and have the ability to adjust at any size. This mean they are also helpful for having pleasant impact for mobile phone users. Undoubtedly! Rich media advertisement helps brands to portrait correct impact of their products or services.

Customized Banner Designs

Rich Media ads assist brands to be prominent from others. They support brands to make their own market value by displaying their skill sets and stories. They also help brands to communicate the right message with their viewers who come across their website.

Major types of Rich media Banners

Rich media banners are categorized in three main types that are listed below:
  1.  In Page Banner Ad
  2.  Out of Page Banner Ad
  3.  In Stream Banner Ad 

Advantages of Rich Media Banner Ads:

  1. Enhance User Engagement

Rich media is an outstanding way to enhance user interaction. When a user gets interacted with any HTML5 banner ad they’re usually remember the brand name or logo. In current circumstances where users are overwhelmed with advertisements, rich media ads can really show them the worthiness.

  1. Creativity That inspire

There are apparently infinite kinds of rich media banner ads that brands can use. Cheers to the hosts that grant marketers many options to perform this process creatively. Now brands can use different ways to present them in new and better way.

  1. Extended Space

Rich media permits brands to consume more space for their rich media advertisements. Formerly, there was inadequate space to display ads. Static ads are acceptable for just solitary frame of information and that ad will be made for smaller screens. Rich media, though, lets brands or advertisers to advertise on a greater gauge no matter which device is used.

4.    Improved Click-Through

Rich media banner ads have improved click-through rates as compared to other kinds of ads. Higher the click through rate means higher the chances of conversions. When you create an ad that forcefully engage its user you will definitely get high conversion rates.

5.     Target All kind of Audiences

There are several kinds of rich media formats that let you to pick the most relevant ads that are best match to cater different kinds of audiences. When you are trying to suggest same rich media advertisement to different kind of audience, there will be less chances to engage your desired audience. If you are targeting people according to their age some may show more interest than the rest. Rich media makes your communication better and relevant to your audience.

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